Sr Full Stack Developer 

(Screening Assignment)

Assignment Overview:

Visualization of Markdown data into responsive charts :

As part of our evaluation process, we are asking applicants to take a Markdown report on ("" provided below )and convert it into a responsive HTML/React application. 

*There are also 2 example files provided for reference.

The final output report should be visualized using various graphical representations such as pie charts, bar charts, line charts, etc.

Sample Report in markdown:

Here is a sample report in markdown with various tables on Electric vehicle market.

The report provide insights into market share, projected growth rates, types of vehicles available, and market size.

Your Task:

  • Take the provided Markdown report on the "" and convert it into a responsive HTML/React application.
  • Visualize each tabular data using graphical representations such as:
    • Pie charts for market share
    • Bar charts for projected growth rates
    • Line charts for market size over time
  • Ensure that the visualization is interactive, allowing users to hover over or click on specific data points to see more details.
  • Use modern web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
  • If you choose to use a framework or library, please include instructions on how they should be installed and used.

Technical Requirements:

  • Create an index.html file for the HTML version or a new React app using create-react-app or a similar tool for the React version.
  • Use CSS3 for styling and JavaScript for logic.
  • Ensure cross-browser compatibility.
  • The application should be responsive, working on different devices and screen sizes.


  • A link to your GitHub repository containing your HTML/React code and visualized report.
  • This assignment form with the link to your GitHub repository.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Quality of the visualization
  • Interactivity and user-friendliness of the application
  • Code organization, readability, and maintainability

Last date of submission - 15 July 2024

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